Adventures and Fireflies

This past week Attila and I have been enjoying the lights of an evening. The fireflies flickered about the back yard, providing us with a wonderful show. Eventually though, the mosquitoes caught on to our presence on the back porch, arrived in force, and drove us back indoors. It was lovely while it lasted. There… Continue reading Adventures and Fireflies

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Colonscopy Office

It is over! I had a seven day preparation, that became more intrusive with each passing day. It culminated the last day with an eleven hour placement in my temporary colonoscopy office. I did not dare leave my seat, the consequences of wandering being extremely unpleasant. So I setup an office around my temporary seating,… Continue reading Colonscopy Office

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Heat, Humidity

Heat! Humidity! North America is feeling it, and other parts of the world are too. As an old gal, I am staying indoors, where the air is cool and clean by comparison. Thank goodness for the air source heat pump!! I am well into my medical month of June now. A consultation with the Endocrinologist… Continue reading Heat, Humidity

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Picking Strawberries

Attila and I went picking strawberries this morning. We were there before they began to let people into the parking area, and had to wait parked at the side of the road. It was not a long wait. The strawberry crop this year is beautiful! There were some strawberries with small spots of rot on… Continue reading Picking Strawberries

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Kitchen Shelf

We took a day trip out to the Camp yesterday. The weather was cool, the sky was cloudy. We found one mouse in our trap in Grace the trailer, and I found no droppings to clean up. There were also two deceased flying ants in the bucket, so hopefully they are gone now. The battery… Continue reading Kitchen Shelf

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