
The sun shone, the wind roared, and the temperature soared. 14C!

Yesterday the sun was a celebration of warmth.

Yesterday was heavenly. I sat on the back porch for hours on end, taking in the fresh air, watching the great melt. The morning began with a yard full white with snow, inches deep. Slowly the snow began hug the earth more closely, turning brown in patches, transforming into shining liquid, then to sparkling light as it began to flow. There must have been insects awakening on the white crystalizing surfaces, as small birds hopped about pecking at the seemingly pure white expanse.

The first Robin of the spring was seen, two of them actually, hopping about on the brown exposed grass atop the hugelkultur garden bed.

Attila took the opportunity of fine weather to dig drainage channels through the ice and snow at the edge of the driveway. The roads department paved our road years ago, and graded it so that ALL of the water running off the street is channeled down our driveway. Sometimes we have two or more inches of standing water on our driveway, during winter thaws, which turns to glare ice. Engineering at its worst. It is a relief that has now drained.

Today it is 2C, cloudy, above freezing. The snow melts slowly now. It is not a day to be sitting out on the back porch. Yesterday was our day of respite from winter, and welcome it was.

The weather report for the next two weeks offers no hope of another balmy sunny day such as yesterday. But it does offer the pleasant prospect that the temperature will seldom dip below -7C. This is relevant at Mist Cottage because our heating system switches to the ground source heat pump as the temperature rises to or above -7. So the oil furnace will not be heating the house. Why do I care so much? The oil furnace heat is dry, dry, dry, so it is a struggle to keep the relative humidity in the house above 20%. The air source heat pump does not dry the air, so the humidity can easily stay above 30% without remediation. I will be able to wash and store away all the towels, that were soaked and hung about the house to hydrate the air. The crock pot that has been used as humidifier will be cleaned and put away until next winter. The constant routine of soaking and hanging towels will not be missed.

I have three medical tests booked late this month, and another next month. Hopefully there will be a diagnosis, and resolution in the months to come. I have had to increase the dosage of the painkillers, the condition is getting worse, not better. And so I wait.



Updated on Mon, Mar 7, 10:05 AM
2 °C
Rain and snow mixed
Wind 4 SE km/h
Humidity 83 %
Visibility 19 km
Sunrise 6:35 AM
Wind gust 6 km/h
Pressure 100.9 kPa
Ceiling 2700 m Sunset
6:03 PM


"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade."
Charles Dickens
1812 - 1870

I admire few people.  Mr. Dickens is on my list.  I love his use of language. He managed to remain creative while writing social commentary, all the while maintaining compassion, kindness, and profitable business skills.  You don't see that often.  There are many talented writers and artists who balance business skills with creativity.  There are many talented writers and artists who create social commentary with honed business skills. But oh so few talented creative people are intrinsically kind and compassionate while exercising these talents. Dickens loved people, not society.
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Joan Marie Brennan

Hellebores poking up -my first spring signs!

Eileen Barton

Glad you were able to enjoy a bit of warmer weather. It got up into th e 70s here and I opened up windows and doors and even ran my air conditioner. Felt wonderful to be able to get some fresh air in the house. I also found two crocuses in my front yard! Fingers crossed that you get a diagnosis on your health issue and that it can be easily resolved. Stay safe!

Stubblejumpers Cafe

I hope your health condition is something manageable. Sorry to hear you’re having to take more medication!
I couldn’t get up our road after work today; it has blown in with snow. It was a perfect opportunity to back up and go visit Scott’s mom till he got back from town. I left the car there and we drove to our place in the half-ton – which also gave us more than one tense moment. I’m kinda jealous of your stay-at-home life right now because tomorrow is another day at the office — if I can get there. One earlier patch as I made my way toward home after work was pretty white-knuckly — I made it through by good fortune alone, though feeling like a stock-car racer. Scott has had to turn around and go back to his mom’s to put out bedding for cattle for the night, and my fingers are crossed he gets there and back without getting stuck.
Here’s hoping your spring comes soon and your body starts cooperating with you.


What a beautiful description of the snow melting away! We had a couple of days of warmer weather (60’s F). I opened up the patio door and kitchen window. The cat was ecstatic with the outdoor smells. I haven’t seen any flowers yet. I’m glad you have medical appointments all set. Hopefully they’ll give you a diagnosis and treatment quickly.


I’m glad your weather is more bearable. I pray that the doctors have wisdom and can easily figure out what’s the matter and that it’s fixable. I too am having something troubling. They’ve already tried three medicines and I likely still have it (UTI). I see the doctor this Friday.


We definitely have signs of spring here: robins, tundra swans, geese heading north. Oh, and some of the trees are starting to look “furry”.
I like to look at the US NOAA weather pages. They’re calling for 50 to 60F (10 to 16C) next Wed and Thurs. It’s a little early to be sure of that forecast but I’m hopeful.
Sorry you’re hurting, Maggie, but I’m glad you have meds to help you along.

Last edited 3 years ago by Teri