Journal Entry May 28 2023, 8:25 a.m.
Having slept in until 6:30 a.m., I arose to a very quiet house. The power was out, no telling how long it had been out.
Since today is supposed to get very warm, and the outdoor temperature was 10C, I opened every window I could, to cool the house down. Ginger likes this strategy, I think he would prefer if we were out of power on every single sunny wam day. Of course I am hoping for the power to return so that I can brew up my morning cuppa coffee.
Yesterday the electricity was heavily used. I spent the day constructing a sewing machine cover, which did not go well, except that it was an exercise in acceptance. I need to learn how to accept less than perfect results, almost there, but I still notice the flaws in my work. Although the cover was Escher-like in its imperfection, it does the job, so on a functional level it was a success, despite being somewhat visually jarring. The process also served to jog my memory, bringing back some of those long unused clothing construction skills.
Attila and I went on a baking spree last night. I baked strawberry rhubarb squares, and orange chocolate chip muffins, and Attila baked falafels. It is a good thing we did too, because it looks like today, with no power, we could not have replenished our food supply.
At the moment the laptop battery allows writing this entry. Perhaps later in the day I will be able to post, who knows.
May 28 2023 1:10 p.m.
The power came back on about 10:00 a.m.
The only inconvenience we experienced was that we had to dig out our camp stove to make our morning cup of coffee.
I found the “hush” in the world quite wonderful. That ended of course when the affluent awakened to discover their power was out, and they charged up their generators. The world was noisier than ever, all that lovely calmness drowned by a cacophony of roaring motors.
Attila is working on taking down more tree branches on the dead Ash tree, and taking breads to steam juice vegetable scraps for broth at the same time. It is hot today so any cooking to be done is being done on the back porch.
I am pinning and cutting out my top pattern from an old tablecloth. I no longer have the table that it fits. Already I’ve made a mistake, that I will just live with. The fabric is directional, there is a right side up and an upside down. The back yolk of the the top has been cut upside down. It won’t be that noticeable, only those with a critical eye for clothing construction will catch it, but I will always know it is there. I knew right away, just by looking at it, what I had done wrong. And yet, I am content with how the project is going. It has been many years since I tackled sewing an actual garment, and I haven’t brushed up on my skills, so I am relearning the hard way, and having fun doing it.

Updated on Sun, May 28 at 2:35 PM
Partly cloudy
Wind 6 W km/h
Humidity 32 %
Visibility 36 km
Sunrise 5:29 AM
Wind gust 10 km/h
Pressure 101.8 kPa
Ceiling 9100 m
Sunset 8:40 PM
“The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.”
Lily Tomlin
1939 –
The green of your cat’s eyes match the fabric she is sitting on! I hope you enjoy wearing your new top!
That is a very handsome assistant that you have.
Joan, I didn’t notice the eye matching, thank you for catching that! I have high hopes for this blouse, but with sewing, one never really knows how the final product will fit or drape or look on your body.
Eileen, Ginger thanks you for your kind words! He is a very appealing kitty, and oh so soft to touch!
Strange similarities, lately. Today, our power went out, and with it our water too. The power was out for an hour or two, from Lake Huron all the way to London. Fortunately, it was our coolest day of the week and I and the dogs spent a few hours in the shade of our front porch.
DH was busy today. He was moving crushed stone from our driveway to the backyard, where he’d constructed a pad for a garden shed we’ve bought from Mennonites. It should be delivered in a week or two.
Teri, how lovely to have the shaded porch, a great way to wait out a power outage. How fortunate too that it was the coolest day of the week, for sitting outdoors, and working outdoors moving gravel.
The Mennonite sheds look like great sheds, a yard needs a shed!