Snow Storm

The snow started yesterday evening, it continues today, mixed with freezing rain and ice pellets. We had an appointment today, saw the weather report yesterday, cancelled, and setup another appointment with hopefully better weather. We aren’t venturing off the property today.

Attila is busy, shovelling snow, and ice, and working on his pantry project in the basement. He is working on the wall first, which is a big job because all the things stored in that area have to be moved out of the way.

While Attila works on the snow and the wall, I am busy in the kitchen, baking bread and muffins, and making salad dressing.

And that is how we spend a “snow day” here at Mist Cottage.

A litre of salad dressing, a loaf of whole wheat bread, and a dozen Chocolate Muffins, my projects for this morning.
The bread will need to be sliced when it cools, and the muffins stored by twos in plastic milk bags, to keep in the freezer for my breakfasts.



Date: 11:00 AM EST Thursday 13 February 2025
Condition: Light Drizzle
Pressure: 100.3 kPa
Tendency: Falling
Temperature: 0.7°C
Dew point: 0.7°C
Humidity: 100%
Wind: S 21 km/h
Visibility: 3 km


“There was a definite process by which one made people into friends, and it involved talking to them and listening to them for hours at a time.”
Rebecca West
1892 – 1983

This venue has its limitations for interacting with friends and loved ones. I do a lot of the “talking”, and listen whenever I can, and as best I can. It isn’t the same as face-to-face, but it has allowed the opportunity to meet some lovely people that I would not otherwise have met!

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Joan Lansberry

Stay warm and cozy! I’m glad to have met you and followed your stories over the years. Has it been twenty years already?

Joan Lansberry

Odd! The entry of the 14th shows as being before the one of the 13th.


I’m so happy I met you online, Maggie, and the others here. In the insanity of the internet, it’s nice to have a place for civilized, sane conversations. Thank you.


We were able to get out grocery shopping on Thursday, just as everything was winding down. OMG we’ve got a lot of snow! We’ve got about a foot and a half just on the ground and the snow from the driveway plus blowing snow is piled up taller than me!

I’m so glad I insisted on getting DH a small snowblower a few years ago, even though we could barely afford it. There’s no way anyone could stay healthy hand shoveling this much snow.