Sunday, July 1, 2018
This morning I slept in. It was just after 6:00 a.m. when I opened my eyes. Morning routines, rise, dress, make the bed, put the kettle on, make coffee, then sit and gaze out the window at the trees. While sipping coffee, the thought that a trip to the Rideau Camp was needed, and could be accomplished, there and back, in the early morning, before the heat of the day turned the world into an oven.
Attila was fast asleep at 7:40 a.m., but I decided to rouse him earlier than his usual 8:00 a.m., to ask him if he wanted to go to the Camp this morning. He did!
We left Mist Cottage just after 8:30 a.m., and arrived at the Camp an hour or so later. The journey was lovely, green fields, blue skies, light traffic.
We were there until noon, when it was beginning to get really hot.
The last time we visited the Rideau Camp, four mouse traps were set in the trailer, and two dishes of warfarin as well. Today there three of the mouse traps held dead mice, and one of the dishes of warfarin was empty, the others were untouched. Attila brought the mouse traps with the mice out to the camp fire pit, placing them on a rock, so that I could deal with them.
The weeds had grown high since the last visit, so Attila spent his time at the camp cutting weeds with the weed whacker.
I was busy also, I watered the garlic and the four Blue Hubbard Squash plants, and picked the garlic scapes.
Then I brought kindling, a sheet of newspaper, a lighter, and some firewood to the fire pit, to build a camp fire. It was really too hot for a camp fire, but it was a necessity. The mice had consumed some warfarin, so I wanted to ensure that they did not become food for another animal. The dead mice were cremated in the camp fire. The mouse traps were doused in water, then cleaned by brushing them with weeds, that had been plucked out of the crushed stone. The traps were baited once more with peanut butter and placed back into Grace the Trailer.
There were some gruesome bits to be cleaned after the traps were taken out. After spraying the areas in question with hydrogen peroxide, and pulling on some latex gloves, I set to work cleaning, using paper towels which I could then burn in the camp fire.
Grace smelled bad. Dead and decomposing mice do not smell pleasant. Windows were opened, roof vents opened as well, to give Grace a good airing out. If more mice are caught, the next visit will involve more cremations, cleaning, and airing out of the trailer.
I really hope that we discover where the mice are coming into the trailer!!
I enjoyed watering the garlic and the four Blue Hubbard Squash plants, there is something very satisfying about watering plants. The garlic scapes were ready for harvesting, they are such a wonderful ingredient in the Instant Pot meals I’ve been making recently.
By noon we were both soaking wet, from working in the heat and humidity, so we packed everything up and retreated to the car, to make the trip home in a much appreciated air conditioned vehicle.
After unpacking the car, Attila was back on the job. The new wall studs on the front wall were constructed, and siding installed. He even managed to paint the the new siding. It looks as if it has always been as it is now.
It is so hot outside that when Attila came in at one point, his clothes were completely, down to the last fibre, soaked in sweat. After changing, back out he went. His plan to finish the wall above the garage doors today was accomplished.
Iris has been sitting on the front lawn since June 15, 2018. Now that the front of the garage roof project is completed, she will be moved back into her rightful place in the driveway.
Attila has now reached the stage in the project, where he feels peace of mind, confident that the remaining touches will proceed smoothly. There will still be much to do, but the big push is over.
While removing the old roof the week before last, carpenter ant nests were found in the wet rotted wood. They were destroyed. When the rotting sill plate above the front garage doors was removed this afternoon, another nest of carpenter ants was found. They were destroyed. The theory is, and I like this theory, that now that the wood will remain dry and sound, there will be no more carpenter ants.
My eyes are bothering me tonight. It started when we were at the camp, I think perhaps the UV index has something to do with my discomfort. My eyes are teary, and my vision is blurry. There are no other symptoms. I will be sure to wear sunglasses out of doors from now on.
Happy Canada Day to my Canadian friends. I heard fireworks in the distance last night, but could see no signs of them through any of the windows. The celebration here at Mist Cottage consisted of Nachos with salsa and sour cream, perfect for us after a hot day in the bush, and Attila working on the roofing project.
Sunday, July 2, 2018
Yesterday Attila finished installing the siding on the front of the garage, and painted it too. Just the trim to be added, and the presentation is complete. Although the front is not really complete, it does look as if it is from the outside, which is what the neighbours care about, so Attila is feeling a lot more relaxed about the project now. Having it look finished from the outside was his turning point. Having the metal on the roof so that it would shed water was my turning point. Both have been accomplished.
I was going to vacuum in the garage early this morning, but I got sidetracked. Last evening Attila picked an armful of rhubarb from the garden, which I covered and put into the refrigerator for the night. This morning, when I opened the refrigerator door to get the milk for my coffee, there it was, waiting for me. I began the process of baking a rhubarb crisp, and preparing the left over rhubarb for the freezer. The rhubarb crisp was baked in the Nesco on the back porch. There was enough cubed rhubarb left over for two more rhubarb crisps, so I bagged, labelled, and stowed it in the freezer.
While I was busy with the rhubarb, I noticed that there was only one baked potato left in the refrigerator. Attila snacks on baked potatoes, if they are there, so it was time to bake more, in the Instant Pot of course!
The hydro is roughly half price today, because it is a statutory holiday. It is the perfect time to bake a loaf of bread. I baked the the loaf in the kitchen, even though the heat from the bread machine would mean that the air conditioning would have to work harder. Attila needed the electrical outlet on the back porch, for his equipment to work on the garage roof project, and bread takes about three hours, much too long for him to lose access to electricity for his tools.
It is another stinker of a day out there today. The second day in a row that the government is posting very inaccurate information about the temperature. The government weather web site says it is 26C with a humidex of 36C. That is false. Our thermometer, in the shade, reads 31C, who knows what the humidex is; it is high. Attila knows, he is out there working in this heat, and he says today is hotter and more humid than yesterday.
The rabbits are breaking my heart! There are only four pea plants left, of more than a dozen. Now they are killing the Scarlet Runner beans too. They reach through the fence and pull the stems over, near ground level, and bite through the stems to kill the plants. They don’t eat the plants, they just kill them and leave them. There are three of these rabbits, and they are bold as brass. My water canon ultimately has little effect. They run when the realize I am around, but they come back and decimate our food crop when I am busy elsewhere.
After reading a lot of different suggestions on how to control them, I decided that a chicken wire fence, attached at the top to our yard fence, and held down with garden stakes, would be the best option. I even sourced the materials, and drove to Canadian Tire to purchase what was needed, but everything is closed today. Tomorrow I plan on finding the chicken wire and garden stakes, and installing them! I sure hope there are a few plants left to save by then.
Wildlife is cute, but losing our high quality food is not cute. We need a fence around the garden area of our yard, which would protect the climbing food plants on the existing fence, because it would enclose that stretch of fence.
Worldly Distractions
Sunday, July 1, 2018
The weather people say it is 26C at 3:40 p.m., with a humidex of 34C. Where are they taking these measurements!!!
It is 34 in the shade here at Mist Cottage, our thermometer has been accurate for years, I trust it, and the humidex must be very much higher than that, 40C at least. I wonder why the temperature posted by Environment Canada is so very different than the temperature on local thermometers! Is their reading under estimated, read on the lakeshore, under reported… it isn’t accurate whatever their problem is.
“Spare no expense to save money on this one.”
Samuel Goldwyn
1882 – 1974
I can’t imagine how anyone can work outside in this heat! It’s 98 degrees here in New Jersey and feels like 110! Went out to eat today with my daughter as I just couldn’t imagine turning on the stove/oven even with the AC running. Going to go get myself a nice cold, bowl of raspberry sorbet. Stay cool, Maggie and don’t do too much in this heat.
Eileen, Attila has always been able to tolerate the heat and humidity. He drinks constantly, eats salty foods, takes frequent breaks, but still, I wouldn’t be able to accomplish anything in this heat. I am so happy that I have a Nesco oven, which can sit outside on the porch and bake things like Rhubarb Crisp on a scorching hot day. It was a big concession to use the bread machine indoors today. Hopefully by the time I want to bake another loaf of bread he will have an electrical outlet working in the garage, and I can use the outlet on the back porch whenever I need to. He was good about it today, because the Nesco was used the outlet for only 40 minutes. The bread machine wants the electrical outlet for three hours, which would have really interfered with Attila’s work flow. When I am outside on the back porch I sit in the shade to chat with Attila for a wee while, then I am right back in the air conditioned house.
Oh, that raspberry sorbet sounds good! Stay cool in New Jersey!
You have been super busy.
In my community we had a rabbit problem. Rabbits, thousands of them everywhere and the problem was getting worse. Fortunately, (yes I am a horrible person) most of them are dead after some sort of disease took them out. It is a blessing because they were taking over everything and making their way to the freeway. I am glad they are gone.
Birdie, indeed it has been very busy around here for the last 15 days, but the intensity is beginning to wane, even though there is still much to do.
I would not mourn the death of the rabbits who are removing our access to fresh organic vegetables, we could not afford to purchase such fresh organic vegetables, not in our budget. They are a menace, and worse this year because of the new rental unit construction near us, stripping the land, removing their food supply and nesting areas. I will be glad if they go. But I am afraid that might not happen any time soon, so chicken wire it is!
I hope you can outwit the rabbits and have the veggies you have worked so hard to grow! Your temps by just the number don’t sound bad, but I know they come with hideous humidity. Stay cool! (We have Yuma normal until Friday, when it is scheduled to be 117F (47C). Thank the gods for air conditioning!)
Joan, thanks for wishing me luck with the rabbits! 🙂
It is the humidity that makes the heat so overwhelming, it is like a sauna out there in the afternoons. Wow, 47C, I can’t imagine it, air conditioning is a necessity! I am surprised that the homes in Yuma aren’t built underground, it is so hot!
If you ever find out what it is that makes rabbits and squirrels kill plants without eating them, please let me know! It doesn’t make sense; and usually what animals do is for a reason. Maybe they are taking out their angst somehow for being forced into refugeedom. That would stress anyone. -K
Kate, if I ever find out why rabbits would kill a plant and then not consume it, I will defintitely share the information!
It could be their expulsion from their Garden of Eden, the wetland lot at the end of the street. But most of it is gone now, just a big field of mud and machines left. That would be distressful. I don’t mind them around, as long as they are destroying my food supply. The population seems to have increased, but perhaps it is only more concentrated due to the pressure on their homeland.
Our chipmunks chinny up our rose rose bushes and eat the little rosebuds off. The rabbits just sit out on the lawn and eat the grass and weeds so I can’t complain.
Bex, as long as you don’t mind losing the rose blooms, no harm done by the chipmunks. They do a lot of digging here in our flower gardens, but haven’t killed anything. The rabbits mostly just sit on the the lawn and eat what grows there, but they decimate beans and peas… otherwise I wouldn’t mind. It is nice to have wildlife around, but it get get a little too close for my liking.
We’ve been very fortunate at the cottage that we don’t have any wantonly destructive animals. There is the chipmunk who crossed the deck when Skye was standing there. He stood behind her back legs and then rushed right under her chin to get to the other side of the deck! We laughed like crazy, she was so startled. It seems he’s dug a tunnel under the side of the deck since then, to avoid her. We’ll leave that unless it becomes a problem.
With the mice at the camp, they’ll outlast you, being in a wild area. There’s just too many. So you really need to find where they’re getting in. Maybe try something like one person walking around the outside of the trailer spraying a citronella spray until the person inside the trailer can smell where it’s coming in from?
We were invited to a brunch on Sunday so ended up baking an egg enchilada casserole in the early morning. That early, it didn’t effect the minor air conditioning we have there. The brunch was over by 1PM. Many folks went to the lake to cool off. I had stayed out in the heat too long and had to go back and lay down, having become woozy from the heat. Now we’re back at the well-air conditioned house for a few days. It’s so nice to have a consistent cool temp!
We head back out to the cottage tomorrow night. DH is working 9 hr days on Sat and Sun from the cottage, so he has Friday and Monday off. We’ll work on putting stone in the firepit circle while we’re there.
Teri, I think having dogs makes a big difference as to the activities of wildlife. Our neighbours have a dog, the rabbits don’t go there, although they could get into that yard if they wanted to. Just one of the many perks of living with a dog!
We do have to find the entry point, I had hoped we had it covered last fall, but no. Back to the drawing board on that one. Detection by odour is an interesting approach, will have to think it through in relation to how the trailer is constructed. The mice are persistent, and there are a lot more of them than I we had realized. No wonder the foxes like it around our Camp, it is a fox grocery store.
If the weather forecast is accurate, the heat wave could be over by the weekend. Have a good one!