Our first summer vacation in over two decades came in the summer of 2016. We were very excited! My brother had a heart attack and died that week. In 2017 our second opportunity for a summer vacation came up, and we spent it at our Rideau Camp. That week a neighbour destroyed a corner of… Continue reading What I did on my summer vacation.
Tag: applesauce
Canning Odyssey
Well, I didn’t stop pressure canning with two batches of canned tomatoes, and two batches of Tomato Red Pepper Sauce. A trip to an apple farm, an outing, tempted a purchase of a half bushel of Paulared apples. I don’t like them for eating, they are too tart for me, so applesauce was their destiny.… Continue reading Canning Odyssey
Attila and I donned our glad rags last night and headed off to our evening out at the restaurant. The experience exceeded expectations on all counts, and we both had a lovely time. Good company makes all the difference! The restaurant staff were wonderful. Attila said the food was great. We both ordered a drink,… Continue reading Mincemeat
Twitter Is For The Birds
The weather was sunny and warm and perfect on arrival day at the little house in the city. Yesterday the clouds moved across the sky and a gentle rain settled over the area. This morning the rain has stopped, and little bit of sunshine peaks out from behind the clouds, occasionally and briefly. I had… Continue reading Twitter Is For The Birds