After coming through the night at -24C, we awoke to snowfall. This kind of weather will keep me close to home, as three firings of the masonry heater each day require that the damper be closed down after the burn; that would be my job. Attila does the tough stuff, the splitting and toting, and… Continue reading The First Tuesday in March
Tag: cold snap
I have been cold enough over the last few days, during my waking hours, that the muscles in my abdomen are sore from “scrunching”, a natural physical reaction the body takes to keep its core from cooling. I was not even aware that this could happen! Lucky me, that this is my first experience with… Continue reading Managing
Toques for Cats
Mist is convinced that the end of the world is nigh. I have explained the unusual circumstances to her, but she would have none of it! I tried moving her Kitty Basket Bed directly in front of the masonry heater, and still she would have none of it. Convinced that I had failed to understand… Continue reading Toques for Cats
Tuesday a.m. This morning I am sitting in sunbeams. I can close my eyes and feel the light; how glorious it is. Having the blinds open comes with a price this morning though, as it is -25C on the other side of the glass and the room is noticeably and quickly cooling. It is worth… Continue reading Sunbeams
Another cold snap has arrived! And snap is a very appropriate noun. Just now the deck “snapped”, it emitted a loud cracking noise. This happens when the wood suddently and violently contracts. On nights this cold you can often hear the trees themselves snapping in the cold. We roasted a turkey today, so the oven… Continue reading Snap