The summer cold continues to plague me, although the symptoms lessen slowly over time, I am still struggling to keep up my fluids, and go through boxes of tissues. I was only up twice last night coughing, an improvement. This is one miserable cold! My energy levels are definitely down, but I am managing to… Continue reading Busily Recuperating
Tag: dehydrator
The Bright Side of Life
Attila and I are having a good laugh this morning. I noticed that he had cleaned the toilet. We both hate the job, I usually break down and do it. But I’ve been working a lot since Christmas, and just haven’t managed to make the time. It is an easy job to postpone. As I… Continue reading The Bright Side of Life
February is fleeing. The landscape speaks the language of change; the snow is drifting down, the pines are swaying. Winter is beautiful. This is very first February, since we moved to the country, that I have not been visited upon by cabin fever. How wonderful it is! The second night of drying did not completely… Continue reading Choices
The Limes of Winter
Lime juice squeezed from the leftover scraps after slicing the limes for the dehydrator. This morning it was -19C outside the kitchen window, and it the wind is gusting to 40 kmh, bringing the wind chill factor in at -26C. Attila works outside all day, so these cold days are not very pleasant for him.… Continue reading The Limes of Winter
The Wealth of a Quiet Day
At around 3 a.m. something woke me up. I could hear the dehydrator running in the living area and had a strong urge to get out of bed to have a look at the food. Better judgement ruled; I rolled over and went back to sleep until 6 a.m., which is sleeping in at our… Continue reading The Wealth of a Quiet Day