Monday, March 30, 2015 The flue is on its way out! Friday morning my temperature had returned to normal. I feel better every day. The cough lessens in severity every day. I still sound “stuffed up”. It just above freezing out there today, and very, very windy. I had planned on running errands, but instead… Continue reading Slow Recovery
Tag: flu
Flu Three
This is my third day suffering from the flu. I am keeping a record of it because it is unusual for me to feel this horrid. That is a very lucky thing. My temperature is down to 37.6 without taking Tylenol. That is still a little above normal, but I am thinking clearly so it… Continue reading Flu Three
Flu Two
I am sitting in my easy chair, surrounded by kleenex, glasses of water and the thermometer. I managed to sleep for five consecutive hours last night and feel much better for it. However, my temperature was higher this morning than it was yesterday, 39. The nausea, nasty cough and headache persist. I have no appetite… Continue reading Flu Two