You Lose Some, You Win Some

Since January I have experienced tummy upsets, gastrointestinal issues. The cause has been a mystery. A partial explanation has been surmised. I may be lactose intolerant. In January I began to eat ricotta cheese with some regularity, because it was a low sodium choice. My issues began in mid-January. Experiments have ensued. The problem was… Continue reading You Lose Some, You Win Some


Today was full of errands. The car needed to be serviced, the appointment was for this morning, Attila was at work, which leaves me to take the car in. While the car was getting its beauty treatment I walked to the bank and spent an hour with a representative doing a wee bit of complex… Continue reading Errands


I have been quite content sitting here at Mist Cottage, enjoying reading my books, researching my book, writing my book, baking, purging unused household items, looking out the windows at the weather, setting up the new refurbished iMac, the list goes on! Perhaps I have become just a little too comfortable here at home. Yesterday… Continue reading Resistance