Musty Cushions

Monday, May 9th, 201§ The weekend passed quietly and pleasantly. Attila and I took a whirlwind overnight trip to visit my Mom, staying with my sister-the-middle-girl and her husband. Mom is doing great, slowly building her strength, recovering very nicely. On Saturday we all went to Niagara Falls, Attila and I, both of my sisters,… Continue reading Musty Cushions

Chopping Down Trees

We spent the day at the Rideau Camp. It was sunny, beautiful, and chilly, with a high of 10C. I kept the fire going, which is job of constant activity, breaking sticks into lengths and feeding them into the fire. Attila brought his chain saw and felled two dead trees, chopped them up, pulled the… Continue reading Chopping Down Trees


Mom is on the mend. It is a slow process, but the pace of healing should quicken over time. Mom could always set a good example for her children, and some things never change. Yes! This morning the temperature on the outside thermometer read 1C. This morning the first signs of spring were felt, as… Continue reading Iris