Well! That was a week I wouldn’t want to experience very often, satisfying as it was! The full-time job I started last Monday is working out very well thus far, and I anticipate it will continue to be pleasantly challenging. I think I may have landed on my feet there, fingers crossed that I’m not… Continue reading Penny Pinchers and Grasshoppers
Tag: philosophy
muse, musings, contemplate, consider, meditate on, mull over, ponder on, deliberate about, puzzle over, cogitate about
Here and There, Minute and Massive: Bad Energy is Bad Energy
The forecast for today is for warm and sunny weather! I will only be working for two hours, and fully intend to bask in the sunshine during the rest of the day. We continue firing the masonry heater twice a day, as it can still be quite cold at night. The low temperatures for the… Continue reading Here and There, Minute and Massive: Bad Energy is Bad Energy
Captains of Industry
Devastating, the situation in Japan. Should be an eye opener to all of us, what the captains of industry have gotten us into, and how our governments are implicated. I feel a lot of compassion and respect for the general population of Japan. I feel disgust and contempt for the movers and shakers of industry,… Continue reading Captains of Industry
Microscopic Scale
Just what are The Fates up to these days? I’m not talking world economic crisis, political unrest, environmental disaster or atmospheric anomaly. If I can’t figure things out at my microscopic scale, there is little hope I’ll be able to resolve anything at a larger scale. I’m beginning at the beginning, which is me, in… Continue reading Microscopic Scale
Right Kind of Genius
To my way of thinking we are living in a era where the cultural empire is creating a fast narrowing path to survival. The empire is ultimately self-destructive. There are historical precedents; the Roman empire, the Mayan empire… analyze these structures of power any way you like, from any disciplinary perspective, spend countless hours discussing… Continue reading Right Kind of Genius