Since January I have experienced tummy upsets, gastrointestinal issues. The cause has been a mystery. A partial explanation has been surmised. I may be lactose intolerant. In January I began to eat ricotta cheese with some regularity, because it was a low sodium choice. My issues began in mid-January. Experiments have ensued. The problem was… Continue reading You Lose Some, You Win Some
Tag: ricotta cheese
I am on a mental ramble here, which is how undisciplined I have become since leaving the academy. Sometimes I feel concerned about it, but most of the time I am having the time of my life, and I value the joy of living. The last few weeks have been mild, and one might think… Continue reading Weather
Rideau Camp
The page was blank this morning, but now it isn’t. The weather is wonderful, cool, sunny, breezy, truly astonishing for this late in November. I have been out for my walk already this morning, it is now getting on towards lunch time. Usually I walk briskly, and do not pause. This morning I paused, looking… Continue reading Rideau Camp