Busy us! Last week my Sister-The-Youngest-Girl and my Mom arrived for a visit. It was very exciting to have them here, Sister-The-Youngest-Girl had been here once before for a short visit with Beau Bob, and this was Mom’s first visit. We managed to provide Mom with her a bed of her own, in a room… Continue reading Busy us!
Tag: Rideau Camp
The Rideau Camp: One Year And Four Months After Purchase
Bex mentioned enjoying the photographs of our Rideau Camp, which inspired me to get to my before and after pictures. Here they are, the realtor’s before pictures were probably taken in the late summer of 2015. The after pictures were taken by me, this summer.
Firefly: “Most species of fireflies thrive as larvae in rotting wood and forest litter at the margins of ponds and streams. And as they grow, they more or less stay where they were born.” The weekend of July 22/23, and this past weekend July 28/29, our evenings have been enchanted by the light show in… Continue reading Firefly
Attila had a vacation day, so we enjoyed a three day weekend, this past weekend. The drive out to the Rideau Camp on Friday night was uneventful, quite pleasant actually. It began to rain just as we carried the last of our luggage into Grace The Trailer. We enjoyed a quick supper, and as darkness… Continue reading Adventures
Today I am rethinking my crochet project. The cover-up top is not turning out quite the way I had envisioned it. The original concept was to create two mesh panels and join them at one end to create shoulders and an opening for the neck, a very simple design. The opening is bunched and will… Continue reading Picnic