Granny’s Day Lily Gladiolus Clematis Granny’s Heliopsis
7 feet tallTomatillo Jalapeno Pepper Cherry Tomato Cherry Tomato Scarlet Runner Beans
Visited by Hummingbirds today.Melon Blue Hubbard Squash Catnip
The neighbour’s cat comes over for a “pint” every day, pub crawl.Day Lily Nasturtium &
ChamomileEchinacea Borage Dianthus
What was blooming in the back yard garden this morning.
I love the garden.
Hosta Mystery!
You tell me. Bluebells?Weed
Birdsfoot TrefoilZinnea
Bugs are bothering the leaves, researching!
What was blooming in the front yard garden this morning.
Beautiful flowers. Got a chuckle out of the pub crawl. I had catnip in my yard one year and it was constantly flattened from stray cats rolling in it. I just picked some zinnias to bring inside and the leaves on mine are a mess. Thanks for the tour of your garden.
I love all of your flowers, Maggie. I laughed at your comment about the neighbor cat and the catnip. I could just see him staggering away after a lot of nip 🙂 The one flower does look like bluebells, but I’ve never grown them so I’m not 100% sure. Your Granny’s flowers are really thriving!
Have a peaceful evening, my friend.
Thanks Eileen! The neighbour’s cat is pretty funny, he can only get at the leaves to the Catnip through the fence, but he makes the most of that. I am most grateful for the fence! The Zinnea leaves are taking a beating, but they just keep on blooming, aren’t they grand.
Sandy, thank you, Attila does a great job at the garden. We were just sitting out on the back porch and got a fifteen minute downpour, it filled up the rain tank, the rain barrel, and a big green plastic garbage can, and the garden was thoroughly watered. Wishing you a peaceful evening Sandy!
Gorgeous garden, Maggie. I particularly like the day lilies and the nasturtium.
Thank you SP! My favourite is the Nasturtium. They are tasty too, if I am out for a tour of the garden I usually stop by the nasturtium to pluck a bloom and pop it into my mouth, sweet and peppery.
Bloomin’ wonderful – everything!
Thanks Bex! The garden seems so very green these days, so it surprised me how many blooming things were scattered around the property.